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Media Response

"The cd is great - you are so talented. I can see you and your brother becoming big stars...I will give it to Oprah."
-Jennifer Stamper, Harpo Productions
"I would just like to say thank you to the Canadays and what they have done for our nation. God gave them the greatest gift of all, the gift to love."
-Sara Baker, CEO of Teens Of The Millennium, SC
"Thanks again for sharing you story with us. Keep up the good work."
-Terry McGuire, Associate editor of "The Catholic Northwest Progress" newspaper
"Great voice! What is nice about their story is that they were desperately trying to find an outlet to express what they were feeling. Lucille tried to donate blood but was not old enough and they couldn't do other things. So they went to their hearts, passion, and their talents, and did it so effectively. I really applaud them for that."
-John Murphy, announcer of "Portland's Favorite Radio Station" Z100, during a live aired interview with Lucille Canaday

"This is a true grass-roots song from the heart."
-Dan Clark, announcer of "Portland"s Favorite Radio Station" Z100, during a live aired interview with Lucille Canaday

"Lucille and Omar Canaday wanted to help. The gift they have to offer was a song they wrote together originally for a grieving friend, but after September 11, they wanted to share the song to a grieving nation. Burning the CD's one by one, cutting out the covers designed by Lucille, and selling them to families, friends, and local businesses. With a sense of accomplishment that only comes from caring."
-Tracy Barry, Anchor woman for KGW channel 8 News, OR/WA
"Lucille, a beautiful voice, a beautiful person inside and out. All the best."
-Cathy Marshall, Anchor woman for AM Northwest KATU channel 2, OR/WA

"Hi Lucille and Omar, YOU ROCK!"
-Nelson, Radio announcer of Rosie 105 "Portlands Funniest Morning Show", OR/WA

Public Response

Dear Lucille,
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to you for your donation of your CD "All I Need" to our 10th Anniversary YWCA Auction "Aloha Night." It is through your generosity that we are able to continue the important programs for women, children and families in our community each year...We want to thank you again for making a difference in our community. We are pleased to report that the auction exceeded our expectations and your participation was a tremendous help in surpassing our goal of raising ,000 to support critical YWCA programs. Many Thanks!
-Auction Co-chairs Ginger Metcalf and Terry Murphey of YWCA
Dear Lucille : I gave a copy of your CD to Sharon Ambrose who is the Director of Nursing at St Marys Hospital in Huntington. Her husband Dr Kenneth Ambrose is the chairman of Marshall University's Sociology and Anthropology Department. They are the parents of Dr. Paul Ambrose who was a passenger on Flight 77 which crashed at the Pentagon on September 11. Dr Paul Ambrose was a graduate of the School of Medicine at Marshall University and received a master's degree in public health from Harvard University. He was working in Washington DC at the Surgeon General's Office on a project addressing obesity as a national problem and a project concerning physician education for rural areas. He was 32 years old. You made me proud of knowing you and your wonderful family - thank you.
- Dr. Cesar Ibanez
"Ken and I want to thank you for the CD that you gave us. What a beautiful thing for young people to do and what a beautiful voice."
-Sharon and Ken Ambrose, Parents of Dr. Paul Ambrose who was a victim of the Pentagon bombing
"I heard your song and it sounds great. I will pass on the word to others. As for me, since the Attack I have found peace again through the support of my friends, family, synagogue, and people like you. Let me know when you are coming to NY, it would be a pleasure to meet you and an honor considering all the money you raised."
-Russell Moskowitz, WTC Survivor, NJ
"Hi, my name is Katharine Mitchell. I go to Miss Canaday's church and when she said she was selling CD's to support what happened in New York I asked my mom if we could buy. So we did and when I got home I listened to it over and over again. Since I really like this song I am going to sing it in my school talent show."
-Katharine Mitchell (age 8), Washington
"Great to see what you and Omar have done. It's a pleasure to know a young intelligent person whose heart is in the right place."
-Thorsten Lundsgaarde, M.D.
"Amor-We were tearful but ever-so-grateful to hear the lovely music of your son and daughter. Their Beautiful spirits shine through, and their loving way is a model for us all in these difficult times. All best wishes to them, and you!"
-Pat, Charlie, Andrew Campbell of Seattle
"Lucille has an ethereal voice - frail and beautiful - it leaves me holding my heart in awe."
-Michael Phillips, Local Washington music artist, WA
"It's a very good idea what you came up with. I just listened to the song and then joined in your singing. I already e-mailed my 5 siblings. I have sent the song to my friends at the UN, I hope that they too will forward it to their friends. Congratulations to you and your brother and the whole family as well."
-Emma Nepumenceno, United Nations
"All I Need," created from the good hearts and skills of Lucille and Omar, will be with me long after the terrible memories of 9/11 have faded. After the terrorists are gone, we will still be blessed by the next generation of Americans which I hope will include more youth like Lucille and Omar."
-Ron Roberts, An Enthusiastic Patron
"Your song is absolutely angelic. God has blessed you and your brother with the gift of music to heal"
-Kita Montgomery, Local Portland vocal artist
"We all enjoyed the wonderful CD that both of you made. The music and the meaning behind the words touched all of us. It is very obvious that the two of you made something special and I hope that the rest of the world will have a chance to hear it as well. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."
-Sony Castro, Seattle, WA
"Thank you so much for making this song. You both are so talented and by combining these talents, you have created a beautiful thing."
-Tom and Pam Ottman, Battle Ground, WA
"With your beautiful music, you send your great love and your strength to carry people through the most difficult times of their lives."
-Lita Hulsey, Department of Health and Environmental Services, WA
"I'd like to commend you on what you two have done. I called the Oregonian's Inside Line to listen to your recording, and was impressed with what I heard."
-Phil Badalamenti, Studio Recorder, OR
"Your music is beautiful. We wish your fundraising effort the best of luck."
-Karalus Family, Federal Way, WA
"Thank you again for your permission to include you beautiful words in my article. Hope all is going well for you and your family. It was a pleasure talking to you. Stop by and say hello next time you are at VSAA (Vancouver School of Arts and Academics)."
-Melodie Bertheau, Volunteer Coordinator of VSAA
"You continue to shine and make me very proud. I hope you will continue to reach for your dreams and make the most of your academic success. Your voice is beautiful and your song is inspirational."
-Melanie Handshaw, American Association of University Women, Vancouver branch representative
"All the best to you, Lucille, and your brother Omar. Keep singing and making beautiful music."
-Bill Wadham, Local Portland Artist of 80's Band "Animotion", OR
"I ordered one CD for each person in my family! I am very proud of Omar and Lucille for their great talent. Keep up the beautiful music and wonderful work for the Lord. The Lord God will bless you both more than you can ever imagine because God loves a cheerful giver."
-Edith Ando, San Ramon, CA
"Very impressive, I hope our donation will help you deliver the music to the victims' families of September 11."
-Josie Little, Auburn, WA
"It's really nice to know young people such as you. I wish to personally thank you for your caring and sharing with those who are in need in times of grave tragedy."
-Clyde Sipes, ERA Reality, WA
"Thanks very much for the CD. These are a talented pair of young people. I am going to add a section to our WEB site where we can recognize our scholarship and fellowship students. I think it will be most interesting. I would like to feature the Canadays first and include their music as well as their story. I am also going to send an article to the Scottish Rite Journal. The CD is a great memorial. By the way my son Mark is in charge of the Pudget Sound FEMA rescue team and spent ten days at the site. I played it for him and he is going to check with the other rescue people to see if they might want a copy. He probably will send some copies to the NYFD."
-Bob Larsen, Scottish Rite Foundation Seattle Chapter through Welmon Smith Jr., Director of Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation.
"It's a song of hope and compassion that never fails to bring tears to my eyes."
-Phillip Ngo, Diamond Bar, CA
"I am so proud of you! Saw the video tape and listened to the song. You are so impressive. The music is excellent and the goal is sublime and noble. Lucille and Omar, both of you are professionals! Great! Hope your goal will be reached soon and the little money I am sending will help towards that."
-Phillip Yap and family, Chicago, Illinois
"Lucy and Omar's song bought tears to my eyes. It is a really moving song."
-Amy McCallum, Australia
"Your song is beautiful. When I heard it, I was so impressed and surprised by your fantastic voice and your brother's piano playing, that I didn't believe it was you : ) Thankyou for being so considerate and inspiring, in the face of great loss. Purity and good will always shine through when people like you are here. Thanyou!"
-Farhan Khan, Berkshire, England